Hair loss is one of the most common problems we experience today. However there is no particular hair fall treatment Dubai that will work for everyone. You need to do some detective work on your own. This article will assist you in your research regarding hair fall in women.
1.     Birth control
Birth control is to be blamed for hair loss in women, especially those with high androgen index.  They are responsible for hair loss as they shrink hair follicles. It is however a slow process. It can take months or years before you start to notice your hair falling out excessively. You can consult with your doctor and express your concerns regarding hair loss. He will probably prescribe you a pill with low androgen levels.
2.     Estrogen and progesterone
Your hair is very fond of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones can be boosted in your body during ovulation. And you can ovulate only by stopping usage of a pill. You condition of your hair will worsen initially as your hair withdraws from synthetic estrogen. But it is better for your hair in the long run. Your hair will feel amazing after a few months as you stop using the pill.
3.     Wait a couple of months
The condition of your hair today is a result of something you did months before. It could be excessive dieting, hormonal imbalance, stress or any other cause. It’s due to your hair’s resting stage, also known as hair’s telogen phase.  If something has triggered your hair loss a few months back, there is nothing you can do to stop the hair fall now. Likewise if you have done any sort of cure for your hair, you will still have to wait for at least three months to see results.
4.     Lower your androgen levels
Testosterone, DHT and androstenedione are all androgens. It is perfectly normal for our bodies to produce some androgen. If androgen level in your blood increases, it will make your hair fall out particularly at your temples.

5.     Curb the inflammation
You may be suffering from a condition called androgenetic alopecia. It is a condition in which your hair follicles are extremely sensitive to androgens for one reason or the other. It might be due to usage of pills or due to inflammation. Inflammation in your body can make hair follicles super sensitive to androgens. So, curb you inflammation by keeping a check on your diet.
6.     Thyroid issues
Your hair will not react well to imbalanced hormonal levels. They can either be too low or too high. It’s extremely critical to get yourself checked for thyroid anti bodies. It will indicate presence of any thyroid disease.
7.     Extremely low carbohydrate diet
A diet extremely low in carbohydrates will hinder the health of your hair and make you seek hair fall treatment Dubai and Hair Transplant in Abu Dhabi. Brown rice and sweet potatoes are extremely beneficial for your health. They will help balance out your thyroid and support female hormones.
8.     Amp up your zinc intake
Zinc is a life saver when it comes to hair loss. It works on every level when it comes to treating your hair loss. Apart from working internally like reducing inflammation and promoting ovulation, it also stimulates hair growth as well.
9.     Get your blood levels tested
Even if underlying cause of hair fall is not iron deficiency, having low levels of iron in your blood will worsen the situation. Your hair follicles strive on iron. If you are iron deficient, improve your diet or take iron supplements.

Consider all these points; hair loss is a sign that something inside your body is not right. So take care of your health and your hair will thank you.
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