Care measures you need to take before hair transplant

Any surgical procedure requires some pre op care, hair transplant is no exception. Pre op care plays an important role when it comes to surgical procedure itself and recovery phase. It is advised to make an appointment with the surgeon prior to the surgery so that you can discuss your surgery in detail. You will get an in-depth knowledge of hair transplant pre op care.
There are three factors which must be covered in the appointment including design plan, donor hair assessment and medical assessment. Following are some instructions you must follow as a part of hair transplant in abu dhabi pre op care.
Blood thinners- If you are taking any blood thinners two to three weeks prior to the surgery, let your surgeon know. Altogether, avoid taking any if you can. Blood thinners include Coumadin, heparin and plavix.
Hair length- Your hair is normally shaved during transplant but to be on a safe side, keep your hair on the longer side. Doctor will trim your hair to the desired length.
B and E vitamins- About a week prior to the surgery, stop taking any B and E vitamins. If you are taking any multivitamin, stop that a week prior. These vitamins can result in excessive bleeding during surgery.
Avoid anti inflammatory medicines- Avoid taking any anti inflammatory medicines including aspirin, advil, bufferin, motrin, a week before the surgery. If you are unsure about the list of anti inflammatory medicines, ask your surgeon or pharmacists.
Smoking- Smoking is bad for your health and your surgery. It constricts your blood vessels which decreases the blood flow to your scalp. The nicotine and carbon monoxide are responsible for decreased levels of oxygen in blood. It will hinder your recovery after surgery. Your healing process will begin to slow down.

Avoid alcoholic beverages- Avoid any alcoholic beverages at least three days prior to the surgery.   It will also slow down your healing process.
Drink water- Two weeks before the surgery, start drinking two liters of water in a day. It will detoxify your body, making it easier for you to heal and recover after hair transplant surgery.
Hygiene- Shower and shampoo your hair at the day of surgery by your regular shampoo. Avoid any styling to your hair.
Clothing- Wear loose fitting comfortable clothing at the day of surgery. This will prevent any unwanted damage to transplanted grafts immediately after the surgery.
Avoid caffeine- Do not drink any caffeinated beverages like coffee or tea at the day of surgery. They can increase bleeding during surgical procedure.
Bring someone to the surgery along with you. Manage any family member or friend beforehand. It is also a part of hair transplant pre op care. Although you can drive home, but it is also good to have an extra caring hand.

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  1. Pre surgery hair transplant instructions are very useful to follow as with them you can get the best hair transplant treatment results and also a safe surgery.
