Hair styling and hair loss

Meta description: You have all this hair on your head that you enjoy styling. If you want to keep things this way and don’t want to go to the route of hair transplant in Sharjah, Keep in mind these styling tips.

The methodology of styling your hair, the quality of hot tools you use, how often you style your hair can cause significant damage to your hair strands. As a result of being damaged, your hair can look dry, brittle, weak and will ultimately result in excessive fall out. However the good news is this damage can be prevented by using a few tips experts swear by. If you follow these tips, you will never have to go for hair transplant in Sharjah ever in your life.

1.     A famous hair myth is that you must brush your hair by one hundred strokes each day can cause significant damage to your locks. It will create unnecessary breakage and split ends. Instead brush your hair once a day gently. The purpose here is to get rid of any unwanted tangles which can cause damage.
2.     Achieving healthy fuller head of hair is possible if you are well aware on how to care for your hair. A little hair care routine will make you achieve lustrous mane and you will never have to go for hair transplant in abu dhabi.
3.     Do not use a blow drier for drying your hair. Do not rub the towel against your hair strands. Just wrap your hair in a towel for a few minutes and let it air dry afterwards.
4.     Never style wet hair. Avoid it at all costs. Wet hair is weaker and breaks more easily when brushed. You can brush damp hair with a paddle brush. Start brushing the ends of your hair and work towards the roots gently.

5.     Reduce the use of styling products. It includes any hair sprays, moose or gels. It will promote excess build up in your hair which is a main cause of dandruff and other scalp infections.
6.     If you have to use heat, lower the temperature of your styling products. Use your blow-dryer, flat iron and curling rods on the lowest setting possible. Also use heat protectants beforehand styling your hair.
7.     Avoid wearing your hair in tight hairstyles. Tight ponytails, braids and high buns are all damaging for your hair. Try a loose and flow hair style to suit your face and replicate it very other day.

If you are experiencing extreme hair loss, there might be some other factors to blame rather than merely styling your hair. Consult a doctor to detect any underlying health issues leading to hair loss. 
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